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Stop Child Labour

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General Offering

So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. (Isaiah 55:11, NIV)


Give as God leads

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Donation Total: £1.00

Church Building Donation

  Church Building Fund Power House Holyghost Ministry Int. HELP US REACH OUR GOAL We are a congregation committed to sharing Christ's love with our local and worldwide communities. We are passionate about assisting individuals in need. We are committed to feeding the hungry and leading people to Christ. We need to complete our church facility to serve our community better, and we need your support. God's blessings

of £25,000
£0 of £25,000 raised

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Church Building Fund
Power House Holyghost Ministry Int.


We are a congregation committed to sharing Christ’s love with our local and worldwide communities. We are passionate about assisting individuals in need. We are committed to feeding the hungry and leading people to Christ. We need to complete our church facility to serve our community better, and we need your support.
God’s blessings

£ 5.00
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Donation Total: £5.00

£ 0
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