God Guides Us Through

Today’s Verse:

“I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel; My heart also instructs me in the night seasons.” – Psalms 16:7

Have you ever found yourself lost in complexities, unsure of the path forward, only for God to reveal the way? God is our ultimate guide in life’s dense forests, with unforeseen turns and hidden pitfalls. Even in the dark of night, His wisdom illuminates our steps. King David experienced this profound guidance and praised God for His steadfast presence and direction. Remember, turn to the Lord when confusion and fear encroach upon your peace. He is ready to lead you with wisdom, strength, and guidance.

Today’s Prayer:
Heavenly Father, guide me through the complexities of today. I seek Your wisdom and strength, trusting in Your unwavering guidance. Thank you for loving me and inviting me to seek Your help. I approach You now, Lord Jesus. Amen.
In every challenging turn of life, remember: God is our Guiding Light.
Revd Sam Adeyemi
