God WILL Make a Way


At times when we are on the path of achieving our goal, some obstructions come and we can’t see a way out… At such moments we should never loose our faith and keep trying, ’cause God will help us find a way where none had not been visible to us previously

As we look at Isaiah 43:15-19, we see God mentioning how He opened a way through the red sea for the children of Israel. Though we get excited about the parting of the red sea…I

encourage you to look at it from the children of Israel prospective.

Here you are at this sea. You look ahead; all you see is a body of water. You look behind; all you see is Pharaoh and his chariot coming after you. You cry out to God as it appears as if He’s brought you here to die. Your back is against the wall and you have nowhere to go.

For some of you, this passage explains your situation. However, I encourage you today! God has not brought you this far just to leave you stranded. He hasn’t brought you here just to abandon you. God will make a way out of no way! It wasn’t until Moses moved forward and used what he had (a staff) until God added his

super to Moses natural and parted the sea. I encourage you to use what God has given you and watch God add His super to your natural. What has God given you? His word that shall never fail; your mouth that shall declare the word of the Lord over your life; promises; visions; and a faith that shall move mountains! So I say to you as God said to Moses, “why do you cry? Move forward”. Move forward in your walk with God…move forward in your faith!

What God has in store for you doesn’t even compare to what we read God doing for the children of Israel here in Exodus 15. For God says, “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.”

God will do a new thing in your life NOW! Not next week, next month or next year…NOW! Now God will do a new thing! The Lord will make a way in hard times, in the wilderness and in what appears to be thee impossible!

Be encouraged and trust God! If God brought you to it, then He’ll bring you through it just as He did with the children of Israel! He hasn’t brought you this far just to leave you. God will make a way out of no way NOW! Do you not see it? Has it not already begun?

Be blessed and encouraged in Jesus name; Amen!



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