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Mountain Get Out Of My Way

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I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart.
Mark 11:23 (NLT)

Jesus wants us to put our trust in God’s mighty power. He was the perfect example. Jesus knew that His Father God had sent Him here to provide Salvation and heal the sick, wounded and dying. He knew it would take supernatural power to do all that God had on His agenda. He also knew how important signs and wonders were to those who considering following Him. So in teaching His disciples how to do Kingdom work He encouraged them to believe God for great things. And we see this lived out in the book of Acts. Jesus died, rose again from the grave and ascended into heaven leaving His Holy Spirit to empower all His followers. Their commission was to go and begin the church. And they did. They were mighty mountain movers. God used their faith, love and generosity in mighty ways to bring the Gospel to all those who would listen. Today God wants to do the same through you. People all around you have mountains that need moving. They don’t know what to do. They need a mighty touch of God. God has called you to use your faith, love and generosity to move mountains. Cast out doubt and exercise your faith. Believe Him for great and mighty things.

Father, there are so many mountains to move. So many seemly unmovable obstacles in my life and those around me. I need You. I need Your mighty power. Please fill me with faith, love and generosity so that Your power will flow through me and be a blessing to others.