Hebrews 12:1ā4
Key Verse: Hebrews 12:1
Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.
It is time to bring in the great harvest for God, but you cannot handle the sickle if your hands are tied. You cannot be about Godās business if sin has you bound, locked up, and hindered.
God did not send His Son so that you would be bound; He sent Jesus so that you would be set free and delivered and moving in kingdom business! The truth is that Jesus cannot move until you move. What has every saint been called to do? We are called to prepare the people of God for His Sonās presence.
You cannot afford to let sin block you from your occupation any longer. Godās kingdom is to be lived out on this earth before people. Godās kingdom needs to be represented in the workplace, in the economy, and in the streets.
Lord Jesus, I want to be quick to repent over the slightest sin, disobedience, or breach of faith. I cannot afford to let these things tangle my feet, bind my hands, or cloud my vision. You have too many wonderful things for me to accomplish in this lifetime to waste even one hour by embracing something I should avoid. Cleanse me of my sin so I can honor You in word and deed.