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Genesis 12:1–3; Mark 10:17–31
Key Verse: Genesis 12:1

The Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you.”
When God called you and you responded by accepting Jesus as your Savior, you received a new citizenship. Now your citizenship is in heaven, but you still live in the world. Like Abram, you have been called to a new place, but you are residing in another. Why?

God wants you to do something. Your mandate is to represent the kingdom of God, to occupy till He comes. Yet what does that mean?

God’s Word makes it clear that God has anointed you and me to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and to do the works that He did on earth. We are called to lay hands on the sick and see them recover, to cast out demons, and even to raise the spiritually dead. We are empowered to destroy the works of the enemy and pull souls from the flames. Together as the church, we are to literally manifest or reveal the will of God to the unsaved world.

That requires us to function as a nation of kings and priests who rule and minister in a land that is not our own. Are you ready to change the old world you left by using your power and authority from the new world?


Lord, thank You for translating me out of the kingdom of darkness and into Your kingdom of light. Now help me to be a light set on a hill in Your name. By Your grace and power, I will fulfill the destiny you have decreed over me. Lead me in the way, show me how to transform this world with the gospel of the Cross and life in You.



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