Why Church?

Why Must I Attend Church?

1. Christ Commanded It

If there were no other reason to attend church, this alone would suffice. As Christians, our devotion to God and our love for Him should compel us to obey whenever He speaks. The Bible, which is God’s word, instructs us in Hebrews 10:25 to “not forsake the gathering of ourselves together, as some are wont to do.” It is a false notion that one can be an equally excellent Christian without attending church. Unwillingness to attend church (barring legitimate reasons) is a categorical refusal to obey Christ.

2. The Apostles and Early Christians Attended Church Regularly

If we have the same kind of Christianity as the saints of the New Testament, we will attend church. Reading the Bible, particularly the book of Acts and the epistles, reveals the importance of the church in the lives of early Christians.

3. Church Attendance Shows Our Allegiance

The forces of truth and unrighteousness are currently engaged in a real conflict. Every individual takes a position either for or against Christ. Attending church is one of the ways we can demonstrate our loyalty to Him.

4. Church Provides Spiritual Nourishment

Just as the body needs nourishment, so does the spiritual man. The house of God is one of the places where we can obtain spiritual nourishment. Paul instructed the Ephesian elders to “feed the church of God” (Acts 20:28). Many Christians are spiritually anemic because they have deprived themselves of this nourishment. Remember, your declaration of faith is only useful if you demonstrate your love for Christ and His word through your actions.

Regular church attendance should be an integral part of your spiritual life.