Matthew 10:7–42
Key Verse: Matthew 10:32–33
Whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.
We know that God called us to be like John the Baptist and to set the kingdom in order. We understand that He has anointed us to become voices crying in the wilderness. We know and we understand, but why are not more of us doing it?
Sad to say, the church seems to be too busy trying to please its members so they will be sure to come in on Sunday and pay their tithes. We find very few preachers telling us to go out and “make a way in the wilderness.”
Regardless of what others are doing, you know the truth. That means you must make a decision. Will you obey? If the spirit of John the Baptist is resting on you, then know that some people will not want to hear what you have to say.
Some of your friends, work associates, and family members will not treat you the way they used to if you dare to tell them the truth in love. If you cannot handle that rejection, then go on to hell along with them so you will be accepted. (I have to be blunt and to the point because this is an important point. I am merely echoing Jesus, who said in Matthew 10:33 that if you deny Him before men, then He will deny you before the Father in heaven. Now that is blunt.)
God is looking for people who have holy words in their mouths and the authority to speak them. In other words, He is looking for kingdom people. Are you ready to deliver the message of heaven?
Lord Jesus, I am beginning to understand what it means to follow You. It also means leaving other things behind—things that resist You and Your kingdom. It means leaving certain relationships, comfort ones, and preconceived ideas so I can follow You without hindrance or hesitation. Grant me the grace to pick up the cross of a messenger and follow You faithfully without looking back